Can a $3K table be among the best out there?

I am on the market for a $3K turntable. I am going back to analog after a number of years so I know little of current market. So, I did some research and stumbled across the Townshend Rock 7 and WT Amadeus tables. I've read a lot about them.. The impression one gets after reading user comments or reviews (like TAS reviews for instance) is that it's hard to get a better table, period. In a world where you can easily spend $4K on a tonearm, I found these statements to be surprising to say the least. What's so special about these turntables, and can anyone comment on the notion that it's hard to beat their performance at any price?
I think whats happening here is that those products are such good "all arounders" Yes, you can pay more money for bigger bass for example, or maybe a slightly quieter noise floor,(though with the Well Tempered, I'd be surprised) or any number of things, including a simpatico match to your favorite cartridge. But, something like the Amadeus just sounds so well balanced and right that it will be difficult to better it in all parameters. I know it is hard to believe. Just look at it, that skinny platter, thin plinth, crazy arm with virtually no parts, or fancy machining. In this case, less is surely more. The resulting sound is more than the sum of it's parts. Sure, something like a mid model Project can also be considered a good "all arounder", but it doesn't have near the level of attainment that these tables do. I don't own an Amadeus, but an older WT model, still, I "get it" nontheless. I don't doubt those glowing reviews one bit.
there are a number of similar tables in that range, including the current Sota Sapphire and VPI Classic and Basis 2001 that give a large slice of what the highest end components can deliver. After that, it is sometimes just a matter of taste, or degree, with slight improvements in noise floor, articulation, detail etc. that last 10% of performance takes a considerable amount of dollars to attain, and even then, one man's treasure is another's garbage. I dont think many can complain about the performance of these tables in the 3k range.
Indeed a lot of turntable in the 3k-30k range sound similar, they are different from finish, but at the end of day, it is the way it is. Look for one which has a correct speed, that is a huge step forward today.
A well done 3k turntable can be indeed better than a shiny 30k unit. Or than black, heavy, multi-motor units(3x wrong does NOT give a correct speed) or wood Products for 16k ... That is High End today.
the above mentioned Sota Sapphire and VPI Classic (which I own and love) are great in that price range. I would add the Clearaudio Performance with the CMB bearing. Great table as well, especially if put on a Gingko Audio isolation table.