Help With System hum, Please

I have a hum in my system at higher volume between songs at when lower level imformation on a song is being played.It sounds like an amplified sound coming from the speakers.
My phono pre is a Zesto Andros (stock tubes)turntable is a VPI superscoutmaster,cartridge is a dynavector XX2mk11.The cable between the tt and phono stage is an ortofon phono cable and then cardas golden ref going from phono stage to the pre.

I have tried running extra grounds from the TT with no luck.Could the stock tubes be the problem?The tubes are JJ's.Any suggestions would be great as this is driving me crazy.I have eden sound terra stone footers on the TT.

Being new to vinyl, I have another question.Should the stock powercord going from the vpi sds to the outlet and the pc going from the sds to the tt be replaced with after market power cords?I am not sure what to try next to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance
Postscript- I just took a quick online look- the unit has a ground lift switch, and also has adjustable gain for MC cartridges, so some of the issues might be addressed right there- but you may still have a bad tube or more -is the 'hum' in both channels?
I removed my hum after considerable headaches by plugging my turntable motor/power supply into an outlet outside my listening room.
To answer your questions.The hum has been there since day 1 with my vinyl set up.I never had any problem with my cd player.
I have adjusted the ground switches on the zesto to get the lowest hum, but it is still there.I have kept the phono cable away from pc's.

The turntable is on a shelf right next to the zesto phono stage.I have the turntable plugged into a direct line and the phono stage into an Audience adept response r12 conditioner.

I think I will take the whole system apart and clean connections and try to re route cables better and look at the other sugestions mentioned.I sold the cd player due to liking the sound of the records better, but really need to loose this hum problem.

IMHO tube phonostages need sericing quite often and sometimes from day 1.
I currently run two McIntosh C8's around 57 years old, completely original never serviced before. I bought them last year had them sent directly to DeWick thinking caps would need changed the least and he didn't have to do anything at all, even the tubes tested superb. Dead quiet no hum even at full volume. Sure they weren't used much over the years but six decades later and they sound amazing untouched. I will be upgrading from them for remastering purposes, but they sound better than any SS gear I've heard including Naim.