To those with multiple tables/arms/cartridges

How do you 'play' your system?
For 30 years I had only one turntable, one arm and one cartridge......and it never entered my mind that there was an alternative?
After upgrading my turntable nearly 5 years ago to a Raven AC-3 which allowed easy mounting of up to four tonearms......I decided to add two arms.
A few years later I became interested in Direct Drive turntables and purchased a vintage 30 year old Victor/JVC TT-81 followed shortly after by the top-of-the-line TT-101 and I designed and had cast 3 solid bronze armpods which I had lacquered in gloss black.
By this time I had over 30 cartridges (both LOMCs and MMs) all mounted in their own headshells for easy interchange.

Every day I listen to vinyl for 3-4 hours and might play with one cartridge on one arm on one table for this whole day or even two or three days.
I then might decide to change to a different arm and cartridge on a the same table or perhaps the other.....and listen to the last side I had just heard on the previous play.
I am invariably thrilled and excited by the small differences in presentation I am able to hear....and I perhaps listen to this combination for the next few days before again lusting after a particular arm or cartridge change?

Is this the way most of you with multiple cartridges/arms listen?......or are there other intentions involved?
However, I want to listen to great music and sometimes, some of those recordings may benefit from slightly different coloration/presentation by different setup..

When we will follow that idea we have to look into the Past, too.
Most ratings from the top records (printed in books) Decca/London, Living Stereo, Mercury were written in the early 90's. And with what combination? Mainly with Linn LP12, a highly colored table, with real weak abilities in the higher and lower frequencies, a midrange pusher.
When we think about those ratings seriously we have to say (or I say that) nearly all ratings need to be rewritten because some ratings in Recording, Reproduction, Soundstage, color of tone have serious different results today. Don't get me wrong, a top record is still a top record but a lot with 12/10/14 rating from max. 20/20/20 are seriously better than that.
On the other side, vinyl today from a digital mixing desk, without any naturalness, do you need a 30k Phonostage, 10k cart for that? I don't think so, the only goal is maybe finding something which doesn't make you cry and that's it. But that is my opinion about.
He only has to sell 2 of his 3 turntables, 2 of his 3 phono-stages, 2 of his 3 amps, 2 of his 3 arms plus his 2 extra armwands and 7 of his 8 cartridges?

Yes, right. For about 8 months now I am down to 1 Table, more or less 1 Arm (FR-66s, I don't want sell the 64s, that Arm beat all others incl. the last survivor, Graham Phantom supreme which is sold now), more or less to 2 cartridges (Ikeda & Helikon mono), Omnigon Pre (but that was a custom made order, can't be compared to regular units) and modified ML2.1.
The other stuff is in boxes, in a way I am too lazy to sell, but who knows, sooner or later I will start some ads...
Dear Raul, I supposed one day when I find a combination of cartridge/tonearm/table that is superior to everything else that listening to other combination does not derive any pleasure anymore, I will be down to one setup only as well.
At this moment, I would say Lyra Atlas is overall the best cartridge I have so far but not much better than Air Tight or Koetsu in every way and I still enjoy listening to those 2 cartridges very much as well. Could I live with just the Lyra, sure but why should I deprive myself of Air Tight or Koetsu when logistically it is still easy to keep both of them around. I made a compromised when I bought my piano. I only have one, a Grotrian. If I have a big house and a lot more money, I would not mind having a Steingraeber, Fazioli or Bosendorfer as well since they all sound different, very different feel and touch when you play them but since I only have room for one, Grotrian it is. I would not mind having a Maggie 20.7 or Martin Logan CLX just for variety but logistically I cannot have them so I settle for one pair of speakers only.

Luckily I have enough room for a few turntables, arms and cartridges so until I find the ONE, I'll settle for the few that I have :)