Why so many linn lp12s for sale

Has anyone noticed that suddenly Agon has numerous linn lp 12s for sale?
Today I counted 8! Is there something going on.....are they going out of style . Or is this just random sales fluctuation?
This constant myth that the LP12 goes out of set-up easily just ain't so folks.
I had my LP12 with Valhalla for nearly 20 years with no issues with regards to set-up. The TT does indeed need to be set-up correctly in the first place, BUT once that is done, it will not wonder off set-up anymore than any other TT.
Now that I have the LP12 updated and correctly set-up again, I am certain that the new set-up will last an equally long time.
BTW, Schubert, too bad that you didn't take advantage of the gift that someone gave you...with a good set-up that table would have eaten your AR-XA alive.
I'm sure you are right DaveyF.
In my early audiopile days I was just too busy listening to music to get things right.
I had my 25 yr anniversary LP12 updated 2 years ago with the Radikal ps, Ekos SE arm, Keel subchassis, and at that time TOTL Akiva MC cartridge. It was costly but I can afford it and I'm very glad I did it. My LP12 sounds absolutely great and better than 3 TOTL VPI rigs that I've heard recently. I have a big listening room with a very high ceiling over 22 ft high. The soundstaging and dynamics are just incredible. I didn't go for Eureka phono stage though, instead I bought the Zesto Andros vacuum tube phono stage because I feel the tubes sound more natural than the SS Linn phono stage. I have one of the best Linn dealers in the country in Overture Audio in Ann Arbor, MI and a great set up technical expert in Thomas O'keefe. I have no affiliation to this dealer.
In 1989 (when I got mine) the LP12 was a no brainer.

In 2014 the upgrades to keep its performance modern are hard to justify (IMO) and yes, dealer support has become spotty.

Still, a fine table if you can put up with it.
Suddenly, they are all gone. Does this mean they all got sold or didn't sell and were withdrawn? No way to know!