Got an LP cleaner you want to make money on?

The subject has come up about cleaning vinyl LPs and how expensive some of the effective LP cleaners are out there. Usually out of the monetary reach of the average vinyl player who still would like to listen to clean, quiet LPs on their turntables.

I was wondering, since many of the members here may own such equipment, whether there might be a chance to connect through Audiogon some of the owners of these cleaners who may be willing to offer their use, for a price of course, with the vinyl lovers in their particular area.

At least they could recoup some of the cost and at the same time help out others of like interests, namely enjoying listening to LPs with the least amount of pops and snaps..

What do you think? Would you owners of such equipment be interested such a service?
Steam, steam. Yes, water is expensive but it works better then most 'magic' solutions. Oh, it is a labor intensive process so many will be looking for a 'set it and forget it' approach. Beware, VPI, is coming out with an ultra machine. This will keep the profit machine going for another generation.
I have a Ultrasonic V8 cleaner. Here in San Antonio we have a local audio club. The Ultrasonic can clean 8 records at a time. I offer to any member a free cleaning and so far no one has taken me up on the offer although a couple of people have expressed interest. I guess for most people it is too much bother
There is an ebay record vendor who touts steam, plus VPI, plus ultra-sonic cleaning of his used records for sale and if memory serves, he also offers a cleaning service for customers to send him their records to clean. If you can't find him, i'll try and dig out his name.
Frankly, given the fact that you can buy a VPI 16.5 for less than 600 US, I don't think it is worth the trouble to travel, ship and deal with handling of records by a third party. Add some AIVS No. 15, a couple MoFi brushes and a 5 gallon container of reagent water, and you are in business. Perhaps not a Loricraft or Ultrasonic, but will get you pretty far along in your quest for a relatively minimal amount of money. And the VPI machine will last forever.
PS: if you have a couple friends who are local and similarly inclined, all of you could chip in and share a cleaning set up, as an alternative.
Hey Guys...Should newly sealed records be cleaned initially as well??? I've heard that record manufacturers spray some type of solvent (scratch resistant) on them before placing them in the sleeves...any thoughts???