Windfield Cartridge

Anyone have a viewpoint on this one?
It's hard to say what a cartridge will sound like in an unfamiliar system.
Plus the fact that although we all enjoy music our bias' are different.
So,keeping that in mind I find the Windeld to be the most enjoyable cartridge that I have owned.And thats 40 plus years of analog.
Again, this is with my ears and in my system
Pops, Jubilee was/is a great cartridge and as I mentioned one of my all time favorites, The Winfeld is from the same family, just better. I can demo them side by side for you if you're ever in Southern Utah.


Disclaimer- Ortofon dealer

12-29-14: Pops
Thanks David, I have many years of enjoyment with the Jubilee, once I work out a couple of system changes the cartridge will be next. I have used the jubilee almost a lifetime in audiophile years!

Pops, I've had 2 Jubilee's and rate it highly.
I replaced mine with the similarly specified Ortofon Cadenza Black.

The Black has some of the generator/coil refinements of the Windfeld but uses the same Shibata stylus as the Jubilee. I like that because the Jubilee had super long stylus life and a very consistent sound. Like the Jubilee, the Black is a fabulous tracker.
The Black is an overall more transparent cartridge, more dynamic, lively and finely detailed. I find the Black's highs much superior to the Jubilee. I also owned the A90 for 5-6 months (loved it) and the Black sounds closer to the A90 than the Jubilee.
Tobes, thanks for the feedback. I love the ortofon sound. I have heard the bronze many times on many different systems at shows. I am a big fan of the Shibata stylus also. The Jubilee has been a great tracker and reliable over a long period of time.

I have read where some believe the Black is a little too detailed but your experience does not reflect that impression. I am impressed you had 2 Jubilees!