Effective ways to upgrade a Music Hall MMF 2.2

I am researching ways to upgrade a Music Hall MMF 2.2 and would like to get some advice.

1. Change the platter to an acrylic one.
2. Add a Soundbox - this is intended to be for automating changing the speed from 33 to 45 with a click - why are folks indicating this would improve sound quality? Confused about that aspect.
3. Changing the cartridge - how high can I go for this type of turntable and arm? Will get a different counter weight if required.
4. Should I consider changing the arm? When do these things become ineffective? I.e., what role does the table itself play in the quality of the sound?
5. I would like to upgrade my phono stage from the NAD PP2 that I have. Would a Project Tube Box make a difference?

Thoughts welcome.
I think #3. The turntable should be able to take a nice cartridge like the Ortofon Red or Blue, Audio Technica AT-120 or better yet Nagaoka MP-110 or 150. The nice thing is that you can take the new cartridge with you when you upgrade your turntable.

No, you don't put new arms on inexpensive integrated turntables.

Yes the tube box would make a difference, but the NAD is more than up to the quality of the turntable. I would upgrade the turntable before moving to a new phono stage.
The most effective way to upgrade most tables, including ones in the price range of the 2.2, is to upgrade the cartridge. Take a look at your table in the Needle Doctor website and yu will find some upgrade recommendations. I recently upgraded my Pro-Ject table with a new and better cartridge and switched to an acrylic platter at the same time. Much better. Best of luck.
Thank you for your advice. It all makes sense. I was also thinking that buying a new cartridge that I can later transfer to a new turntable makes a lot of sense. Also, the mat and the acrylic platter sound like reasonable upgrades that will provide the right ROI. I will let you know how things go. Thanks again.
Best advice is Viridian and the Nagoka MP-150 .
ALL any sensible person would ever need.
Which leaves me out .
Schubert, Sorry - what is a Viridian? I am not finding it in my web searches. That is the second recommendation for a Nagaoka MP 150 which intrigues me. I was considering a Ortofon 2M Blue or a Denon DL-110 based upon advice from a dealer and this is in the same price range - do you think it is a better cartridge than these or just different?