For VPI Unipivot Owners, do you use antiskating?

I have a Scout 1.1 with Ortofon 2M Black. Have always read that unipivot arms do not require antiskating. I don't use mine. Any opinions?
Bill_K If indeed my 3D printed arm has a built in a/s mechanism in it, then so be it. I don't twist the wires at all (Discovery, not the Nordost...Discovery sounds better to me)..and don't use the provided A/S mechanism that is for the arm, although I've used it to compare with and without A/S. ..just a comment about the VPI A/S mechanism. I think its the best of its type, because the greater force of the weight can be manipulated to occur at the beginning, med., or end of the playing LP. I don't know of any arm with A/S that can do that.
@Stan (Stringreen), is the AS devise you described above different that the stock AS gizmo that comes with the Classic 3 tone arm base and wand. Phrased differently, is there another AS system peculiar to the 3-D arm?
The 3D arm and the classic arm uses the same basic gizmo, however the 3D device is slightly different from the Classic. When setting up the gizmo, the most pressure against the arm is when the outrigger is fully extended. When it is not, the weight of the outrigger is supported by the attachment. By manipulating (rotating) the gizmo itself, you can get the fully extended position wherever you want it...some say the most beneficial position is near the end of the record.
FWIW I'm with Stringreen regarding the use (or non-use) of AS. I have a JMW 10.5i arm with 3 armtubes, one with the VPI AS wire attached, the others without. While I certainly respect Peter Ledermann's positions and opinions, I've never heard the arm sound as good with AS as it does without. Cartridge wear is not an issue with me -- too many carts to worry about it, and Peter is there to save me from myself when a retip IS needed, mostly because I've managed to lunch another cantilever :-)

For some reason I seem to be particularly fond of destroying Denon 103 carts. Peter has told me I'm something of a legend at SoundSmith.