sound-Smith VPI Counter Intuitive

The Sound-Smith CounterI intuitive is a must have for VPI turntable owners. I just purchased one and it makes a great difference in my Classic 3 setup. I thought I had my TT perfectly setup before, but the counter intuitive dialed it in perfectly and I can tell the difference right away. The system just sound very balanced and the sound stage comes popping out. No listening fatigue here like I use to have. I have been listening to vinyl hours on end. The unit is very easy to use, I followed the instructions to a "T". This unit is highly recommended. What is your experience with the Counter Intuitive?
OK, I did take a closer look, it's been a while, and the others are quite correct. It includes that plastic sleeve that goes over the counterweight. That must up the cost of production to at least $2.50, so it's rather less absurdly priced. It still does exactly what it's supposed to do, however, so...
Lp2cd, unfortunately by your last comment you appear to have little or no idea of the costs involved in doing business, including R & D, testing, fabrication and manufacturing, marketing, advertising, and other direct and indirect costs of developing a new product for a very limited and targeted marketplace.
The counterintuitive IS provided with VPI 3D arms...not sure about the others.
Stringreen, the CI "was" provided with the 3D arms, but now is an option.