Amarra a worthy investment?

I am using the trial version of Amarra, I personally don't notice a huge improvement that justify the price, but I would to hear from your experience about what version better for 2 channels audio with DAC, i own Hegel HD11 and PS audio perfect wave.
Maybe i am not using it on correct way.
Happy thanksgiving day, a million things to be thankful for....
Mikey - I use full Amarra EQ on all systems, even at shows, even on TAD reference speakers. Makes a big difference with ALL speakers. This is actually more important that EQ of the room resonances. Its like replacing your speakers with $50K speakers.

Here are some tips on how to do it with an iPad:

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
I have Amarra and the latest Audirvana+ with exclusive access and integer mode. In my system, with Mountain Lion, I find that Audirvana+ is a bit less colored, more transparent and offers a bigger window into the soundstage.
I'm using Amarra and Decibel. To be honest, I don't hear a lot of difference between them. Amarra has the interesting EQ functionality that's fun to play around with. I like the clean uncluttered interface of Decibel, so I seem to be using that more. Decibel is also a lot cheaper.
Audioengr, new to the thread but I am glad I read your post. Would have saved me a lot of money If I read it earlier. I did as suggested in the link you provided. Downloaded the audio tools app in conjunction with the Amarra eq and I am astounded at the improvement it has made to my system. I hear absolutely no negatives by using the Amarra eq. Like someone took a blanket off my speakers. Rock music always sounded muddy and distant. Now it is tight, detailed, and clear. I had some big dips show up in the response of the spectral analyzer and smoothed them out quite a bit with the eq. I thought my system sounded pretty good before but now when I toggle the eq off and on I don't see how I ever listened to it before. My wife listened to the before and after and she couldn't believe the improvement. I actually liked Audirvana a little better before but now Amarra will be my go to player and the eq will stay on. I think if I play with it some more I can get it even better.