The "coolest" looking system?

O.K., this goes along with the best/worst speaker threads as banal. So what? I don't care what the stuff sounds like,if you were just going for looks, what would you put together for a system? What made me think of this is the Shanling CD T 100. This thing looks very cool and is where I might start. Maybe add a Hovland Sapphire, a Hovland HP-100,an Oracle Delphi Mk V, and a pair of Martin Logan Prodigy's with an aniline blue dye finish for speakers(just to keep with the glowing blue Hovland theme). Go nuts!
Warrenh, I think Viggen has the coolest speaker platforms. Most informative too. Take a look at his virtual system. :•)
Hey Gunbei,

How most embarrassing... that pic should be in the
"most shabbiest looking system" thread. Btw, I swapped back to my old driver tubes, and the system is 90% back to normal only lacking some of the warmth I first experienced.

Yah, most of you have no idea what I am talkin about...
Wilson Watt/Puppy 6's in one of those titanium finishes
Halcro DM38 mono amps
Levinson or Ayre silver pre
Linn CD 12
VPI Aries

Also cool-looking:
Meadowlark Ospreys
Teres turntable
Art Audio amp and pre
EAR chrome and gold phono stage
LFD Mistral CD player

I wouldn't mind hearing either of these systems too. Great looks and I imagine great sound.
O.K.,guys,this is an exhibition, not a competition, and as always NO wagering. I was hoping you guys could come up with something creative. If this were about who already has the coolest looking system, Albert has everyone's ass kicked already. So guys, stop picking on Viggen. So I guess Viggen isn't the Martha Stewart of Hi Fi. But he did say that the stands were a "good thing" and that next week he's going to show us how to bake a cake in the shape of a KT88.