Cable Costs Relative to System

Since making a spread sheet with my audio system prices, I have been thinking(shocked) about my total investment in cables. My total system retails at $67,000 (Digital and analog front ends included). I purchased all of it here on Audiogon so my investment is about 50%. Of that I have about 10% invested in interconnects and cables and another 10% in Power Cables (Shunyata Hydra included). That's $13,000 worth of wire. I'm starting to question whether it might be more effective to put some of this budget into acitve components. It would take forever to listen to all possible combinations, but would like to hear others experiences with relatively high end systems and cable selection. It would seem to me that the point of diminishing returns would be reached sooner with cables than with speakers and amps. Do most of you follow the 10% "rule" for cabling? How do PCs fit into this rule? Are there any super bargain cables capable of keeping up with highly resolving electronics?
The notion of cables being 'system dependant' is utter nonsense. As with all other components, its about distortion, or the lack of it. But the 'connoisseurs of coloration', like too many engineers and their million dolloar mixing toy, treat their system like it were a musical instrument, contributing to the music the artists made in the hall or studio.

The more components you can put together with the least amount of distortion the closer you get to 'true to the original. At least in playing back whatever made it onto the source media.

Then all you can do is buy and sell disks to collect those worthy of the capability of system to play back what is true.

Of course when your system is a personal perference of distortions to taste, you probably cannot discern a good disk from a bad one. But when it is relatively distortion free, inclusive of the room acoustics, you definately can.

Until then, there is a proven list of reference quality CD's at at the MUSIC link. While you are there check out some of the other links on theory, and practicle application of audio. I guarantee it will be worth your time.
Homedesign: It is too bad that you didn't apply as much logic or research as you did passion to your post.

Not all components are load stable, nor do all cables present the same feedpoint impedance, even when terminated with identical electrical characteristics from identical components. As such, cable changes can and are component / system dependent. On top of that, some of these differences can both be audible and measurable.

If you doubt this, try talking to Frank Van Alstine* about this subject. Frank is both a designer / manufacturer and one of the most out-spoken individuals in audio when it comes to cables and "snake oil". Ask him if components from various manufacturers all respond identically to cable changes. I'm talking about cable changes that result in variations in the feedpoint & load impedances that they see. Since i already know his answer and the truth about the subject at hand, i'll be waiting for your enlightened response once you delve further into the subject and re-educate yourself. Sean

PS... Since you seem to be a fan of his, try emailing Siegfried Linkwitz and see what he has to say about the subject. If he's ever done any REAL testing on the subject with a variety of components from various manufacturers, he'll share the same thoughts on the subject that Mr Van Alstine and i do. That is, cables should NOT affect system performance but most circuits aren't designed / built well enough to achieve this goal. Therefore, their performance is altered to one degree or another when cables are changed.

* I know that Frank knows all about this, as he took the time to educate Julian Hirsch about the subject.
Home Design
I have owned Magnepan and auditioned quite a few Planar and Electrostatic designs before buying them. After that I heard NEARs which to this day are reference speakers and also for alot of other folks. I now own a few sets and I really cannot think of another speaker I could want.

Many factors go into a persons decision in buying speakers. Foremost in my mind is the room they will be using.

I cannot see how any one speaker will ever be as great as what you are saying . It is to much of a personal decision according to to many various factors that nedd to be considered.

Although they may great speakers.Hope they give you many years of happy playback.
It was said once one upgrades their system sufficiently, they will more readily discern cable differences.

My system stands shoulder to shoulder with the most transparent systems.

I have tried a number of cables based on widely differing design premises. All "fancy" cables did nothing but retard various wavelengths. That may be a benefit to systems that handle like frequencies badly. My system does not have wounds needing salve.

Like Homedesign, I just want what the disc has to offer. Short, relatively pure metal cables do best for my system. I really don't care what one or another cable expert has to say.

NEAR?????? Apex, you need to get out more.
Muralman: There is NO way for anyone to know exactly what is on the disc or what it the "most correct" interpretation of what one can hear. That is, unless they were involved in the recording / mastering process of each and every recording that they listen to. That is why "personal preference" is mentioned around here so much.

Besides, it is quite possible that what one thinks sounds "transparent" could actually be shown to be "less accurate" if one took the time to actually take measurements within the system itself and compare various cables and how the system responds to them electrically. While most folks would never think about doing such things, it can be pretty interesting to say the least. The results are not always what one might be led to think they would be.

As far as your comment regarding what an "expert" has to say, the person that i referrenced is not in the "cable game" and is "anti-fancy cabling". Your comment also goes to show that you will believe and act upon your beliefs regardless of what is presented to you. That implies that you have your "personal preferences" and that is all that you are concerned with. That's fine, so long as you don't try to empirically state that your personal preferences are the only point of reference for accuracy or how things should be done when building a system.

If you think that i present information in that manner, think again. I'm simply throwing out my comments based on past experience and the knowledge that i've acquired over the years. If someone else would like to compare contrasting notes, i'm all for it. On top of that, i've always encouraged people to buy what they like, regardless of what someone else has to say. There are plenty of products out there that i don't like, but if it works for you in your system, who am i to tell you that you shouldn't be happy with what you have ? I might not like it and might have had bad experiences with it, but then again, i don't have to listen to it either : ) Sean