Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???

While i have my opinions on this subject, i'd love to hear from others that have tried various methods of "burning in" cables, what was used to do it, what differences were noticed ( if any ), etc... Please be as specific as possible. If your a "naysayer" in this area, please feel free to join in BUT have an open mind and keep this thread on topic. Sean
Kevperro, please do get back with us and post which cables are the "cats meow." I also suggest that once your have played all the cat sounds that you can stand, try "Furry Sings The Blues," by Joni Mitchell.
While your at it, might as well listen to the rest of "HEJIRA" could be the lady's best album ever.
Frap, I've evened you out, though I prefer her "Blue" to Hejira. But that album got me on to her and I'll dig it out and listen to it tonight. Thanks for reminding me of its existence. Cheers
Kevin: I have "Jingle Cats" if you would like to borrow it for your test. The five "little men" have not been good lately and they will not be needing it.