Cables that cost more than the speakers?

I was reading TAS tonight and noticed that several of their recommended systems utilized speaker cable that retails more than the speakers or amp to which they were connected. One was using the Purist Dominous and another the Kimber KS3038. These are both GREAT cables, but it seems strange to me to hook up a $13k cable to $9.5k speakers.

I guess there will be those that say "Whatever sounds best.", but it is still strange. Does anybody here have a similar SC to speaker ratio? FYI: I'm using Kimber KS-3033s ($2200) with my Talon Khorus($14k).
Jadem6: It's time to stop comparing your feelings on an EXAMPLE. And if you read the entire article that's what it was, with [4] tires not 1. That's just how out of whack the price would be on those cables. Hey remember it's just all of our humble opinions. Just relax, have a couple of beers, and go night-night. A new day tomorrow.
Metaphysics: I believe alot of people are trying to help you with there opinions. There is no perfect solution of ratio, or the best cable. Try them out, they are all differant. But to have cables that are way more than your speakers- I don't think so. And the person Jademo6 needs a major dose of PROZAC. Relax Dude.
Couldn't someone on this site cut apart a cable and I.D. the materials?Should some of us chip in to buy one,or does anyone have one collecting dust?I know we can't quantify sound as we all have different ears,but i would really like to know what is in there on a physical level.I have seen sites for DIY cables and they talk about going to Home Depot for supplies!!What do you think?Thanks,Bob
Oh my Mr. builder dude. I must have touched a nerve, two "new members" with such strong reactions. I guess has alot of like minded people who just happen to tune in now. I can see your pissed but you could use your own name next time, but you'ld hate to have people think poorly of you, right?
It sure as eggs defies logic, but go try a set of cables that add up to the total cost of your whole system or more, and have a listen. I'm not going to advocate spending half your budget on cables, but till you've heard it you won't realise how viable such an allocation of funds can be. It's quite unlike the car analogy, where all you get is better road-holding, but not better handling. Trying some great cables can make you stop and reconsider how very good your components really are, in all ways.