Girlfriend's mom threw my Cardas out with trash

This weekend, my girlfriend's parents came to visit. In her mother's haste to "help out" around the house, she threw away my brand new Cardas interconnect, which I had not even unpacked yet.

Will someone please respond with some humor. I could use it right now...
> Girlfriend's mom threw my Cardas out with trash
> You want humor? Tell Cardas what happened and ask
> them if they'll send you a new one.

A new set of cables or a new girlfriend?
Tell your girlfriend she can replace the cable herself, or with your mother-in-law, she can detail your place until it's in the same condition as your cable was....
Otherwise you'll be emotionally & audibly scarred for life!
I'd request that my girlfriend issue me 25 IOU's which can be used for ANYTHING at any time. Whether they're used for cancellation of honeydo's or (ahem...) certain other physical stress reduction activities....either way they'd be well worth the $$$.

As far as her mother goes, kindly request that she please not "help out" in the future unless she wants her daughter to be forever your indentured servant.......

Lastly, call your insurance and see if they will cover it (if your deductable is low enough). Also, I don't know if they were purchased with either a gold VISA or MC but some of them will cover loss/theft of a recently purchased might check with the issuing bank if you used plastic...

Sorry to hear about it.....
