Cardas Golden Cross vs. Golden Hexlink 5C

I'm looking for opinions on the differences between these two cables from anyone who's owned both.

the hexlink is less colored.

dont get me wrong, both are "warm cables". but the golden cross is one of the most colored cables i have every heard. very rolled off higs and lower midbass bloat. can work well in some systems.

hope that helps,

I have to agree. I actually prefer the Cross to the Golden Cross in my system. Unless your system is on the "bright" side, go with the Hexlink.
Rusvit, not to hijack your thread, but I have a related question:

What about the difference between the Cardas Golden Reference and the Hexlink?

I am thinking about getting the Cardas Golden Reference as the link between my amp and preamp, as it is supposedly a very neutral cable, which is what I am looking for in that particular link in the sonic chain. (I figure I can always adjust upstream interconnects if I want to adjust the sound from my CD player or other source.)

i just replaced my golden cross with ridge street audio poiema!. alot better than cardas in everything. sounds like a whole new system. extremely transparent.

aloha keith