Audioquest cables: replace the DBS Battery pack.

I have Cheetah, Volcano and Mont Blanc AQ cables, and I want to upgrade and replace the DBS Battery packs.
My Cheetah has 12V DBS and the new has 36V, the Mont Blanc and Volcano have 24V and the news have 36 and 72V
Please let me know if I can buy only the DBS Battery packs and who sell them.
Well Jeffy-bear, looks like your the only one in this thread that thinks DBS isn't snake oil. If you cant hear the difference then why spend money on it. My Kimber dealer said it best "Don't waste your money on the DielectricBullS#*!(DBS)."
Well Jeffy-bear i'm hear to support you.
I have the Kilimanjaro with DBS and the results are:
With DBS you get more transparency and more micro information. Alsoo more analytical.
But for the people who didn't listen to these cables i would suggest try one of these DBS cables.
If you didn't listen to the DBS cables, how do you know the difference??
While I have no association with AQ, it seems many are misunderstanding what I believe they are claiming (whether true or not). The DBS is supposed to keep the cable dialectric "formed", that is, broken in. So comparing the cable with and without the battery connected should not actually make any difference. The better test would be to compare two of the same cables, after disconnecting the battery on one of them, after some period of time (perhaps days or weeks). If DBS works, the one without the battery connected would need some re-breakin time before it sounded the same as the one with DBS.

Has anyone tried this?
Zargon is absolutely correct about the purpose of DBS and the effect of disconnecting the battery.

Thx, Berndardknoop.

And's not 'Jeffy-bear', it's Jeffrey or Jeffrey Behr or jeffreybehr. :-)
Sorry Jeffrey.
I have them both DBS and non DBS.
If you don't play music for one or two days; with the non DBS the sound is 'there' in 1 or two hours playing music. With the DBS no problem, it's already performing at his maximum.
Greetings Bernhard.