Opinions on PS Audio Statement power cord

Any info on PS Audio statement power cords would be much appreciated.Need them for Rogue M 150's tubed monos.
Made a big difference in the sound quality (lowered noise floor) of my SCD-1.

I have my whole system wired with the Statement Power chords. What a difference! These are the older non. SC chords. So much energy! I'm now upgrading to the newest Premier SCs. I hope they can improve upon some very, very good chords.
PS Audio is replacing their Xtream line of power cords which includes the Statement SC with their new Perfect Wave AC series cables. Now called AC-12, AC-10, AC-5, and AC-3.
They were introduced at CES a week ago.

I see that there are many xtream line PC's being dumped at 50% off here and my guess even further discounting to come when the new line comes out.
I am also interested in PS audio cables for my Premier Plant. I tried the Xstream Prelude and Statement Sc power cords. Although they are very well made and sond generally good I noticed a bit of a blanket over the sound.(the Statement was a bit better)

I sent them back and began hearing other PC's. Aural symphonics,Audience powerchord and Kubala-Sosna facination.These cables opened and freed up the sound.

I just saw on PS Audio site that they have a new series that is coming out.After reading the discription of the new series they mention the difference and downside of the xStream series is corrected by the new Wave series.It is similar to what I experienced.

As I have not yet decided on which cable to choose,I am going to give this new series a listen.

A salesman at the Cablecompany has suggested : Synergistic Tesla T3, Harmonic Technologies new Magic 2 and JPS Power AC+.

I hope this helps!!
