Liquid Ceramics cables Has anyone heard these?

I read a article on 6 Moons about a new Liquid Ceramaics cable.
I searched this Forum for some info and there is only was one or 2 people that had an opinion. However there opinion did not include the cables sonic qualities.

They are supposed to excell in sounstaging but what about the bass or the Treble ?

Is there any one who has heard these that could give the sonic merits of these cables?
Thanks for the help and All the great opinions.

I did talk to Bob, maybe he has changed his way of thinking , because he told me the use of the Cable Cooker was a good thing. I will double check before I use it

Other interconnect cables that I own

HMS Grand Finale Top Match
Acoustic Zen Reference Silver 2
Kimber Select 1010
ElectraGlide Reference Silver
Ridgestreet Audio Poima!! Signature
Pure Note Cerelum
Cardas Golden Reference
Shunyata Aeries
many others
Not to mention the many,many I have tried thru the Cable Company and thru home trials.

I only mention all these because all have benifited by the use of the Cable Cooker.
I still think 14 days is too short for a trial, but the construction of the cable lends me to think maybe these are different and maybe the break in time will be minimal.
Ceramic conductors might exhibit a higher resistance than metalic ones. A cooker which uses high current may cause excessive heat buildup in such conductors, and that heat might be beyond the design specifications of the product.
Just to be on the safe side, I'd consult the factory first before using any specific cooker on the CT or any non-metalic cables.
just my $0.002, i did try the cerious cables for a week or so, and found them to be very good in some areas ,and weak in others-- the mids were a bit overemphasised for my taste ,but well defined and open.
the highs were a bit rolled off , especially in cymbals and other hf notes. the bottom- end was weak and lacked the slam that like in my current siltech g6 series.

the digital cable ,on the other hand ,in my ht application is the best i 've heard at any price!, and it stayed in my system. the rest went back to bob, who is a class act ! can't say enough nice things about the man ,his approach ,and conduct!
bottom line?-- you got to try them for yourself, and make up your mind that way. we're here just for moral support... 8-)
Serus brings up a good point. I know of at least two cable manufacturers (sorry, I'm not free to say who) who warn against using some such devices, so it is best to check with the manufacturer first.
Ozzy....when you next speak to Bob, please inform him that the current output on the Cooker's low-level circuit (for interconnects) is 120 milliamperes continuous. That should give him something to digest and compute. Special step-down adaptors can be made if that output level is a little high for his design. He is, of course, welcome to speak with me directly at any time, although I'll be in Denver for the Rocky Mountain show until Monday.

Thanks for the 'input', Serus....good thinking. Safety first, always.