Liquid Ceramics cables Has anyone heard these?

I read a article on 6 Moons about a new Liquid Ceramaics cable.
I searched this Forum for some info and there is only was one or 2 people that had an opinion. However there opinion did not include the cables sonic qualities.

They are supposed to excell in sounstaging but what about the bass or the Treble ?

Is there any one who has heard these that could give the sonic merits of these cables?
Well I just talked to Bob about Cable Cooker.
Busy guy these days. He says that the use of the Cable Cooker is a good thing and is recommended and will do NO damage to his cables.
He said the confusion comes up about cable break in. He believes his cables do not require the usual long break in period so he tells people that a cable cooker is not necessary. But if you have access to one use it.
I couldn't agree more with Pat about trying to A/B CT cables. I had the occasion to disconnect part of my system on Saturday, and just that process (which included moving the CTs)resulted in the interconnects needing settling time to sound good again. It was amazing to me how much of a difference there was...very similar to what I experienced when I first received them.
I tried one pair of my CTs on the Nordost breakin unit for a 24 hour period. Other than having to wait about 24 hours for it to recover from the flexing, I heard no change in the cables.
I have not heard the CT cables but this business of A-B comparisons being impossible makes me very uneasy. Memory in general and aural memory in particular have been well documented to be very capricious. Although I trust my subjective impressions and those of some other listeners I know this situation takes us fairly far into the realm of faith. I do not wish to misconstrued as challenging anyones credibility or arguing for DBT as neither are my intention. Cerious Technologies cables may indeed represent a new standard but how do we know what we "know"?
Greenman - You make great points and ask a great question. I've learned over the years that the best way for me to make determinations about different products is through EXTENSIVE listening, i.e. listening for a long time with component A in the system (meaning many hours over considerable time - not just a day) and doing the same with component B, then back to A... As far as "knowing what we know", all I can say is that I know after this type of auditioning that I prefer one in my system, the RELATIVE "colorations" of each one TO THE OTHER, etc. With the CTs one can easily do the same thing. By the way, I'd certainly agree with the capricious memory thing if I were doing shorter auditions.