Which is more important - Interconnects or PCs?

What do you think your system benefit the most - from interconnects, Speaker Cables, or Powercords? Or do you think they are eqaully important? Is $5000 powercord really necessary?
Real answer.

All the wire makes a difference, and once you start you'll end up replacing it all. A $5000 power cord isn't necessary, and some $5000 cords sell new for a fraction of that...and I mean liquidation prices.

You can get excellent results in a range of $200-$700 (I know it's wide). Look for used cabling, and take a serious look at the lesser known fabricators selling cords at auction. You can find some really good stuff there.
The Signal Cable Magic Power cords compete with much more expensive power cords, IMHO. Their cost: $59.00 EACH!