Which is more important - Interconnects or PCs?

What do you think your system benefit the most - from interconnects, Speaker Cables, or Powercords? Or do you think they are eqaully important? Is $5000 powercord really necessary?
>>The Signal Cable Magic Power cords compete with much more expensive power cords,<<

Yes and a Yugo competes with the more expensive Corvette. Both have 4 tires and a steering wheel.
What most of us audiophools do is spend time and money on cabling when other issues should be addressed first...like frontends, amps, speakers etc...because in most cases it is the cheapest and easiest way to change the sound of your system. So in that case it is an endless search to alter your systems presentation when you feel the need....like tone controls.

That has brought me to this conclusion having been on this merry-go-round myself....the better the components in the system the better any cable sounds. Put classic "best bang for the buck" cables like Kimber PBJ and 8TC in a balanced high resolving system and they are hard to beat, damn hard to beat and you can spend as much as you want. Put them in a middle of the road system and they sound maybe "ho-hum. It's not the wire! I have tons of cables laying around, some reference, middle of the road, mega bucks and cheap and I put the Kimbers mentioned above in my system and they outperform just about everything I've tried, mind you not hundreds of cables but quite a few.

System context:

Meridian 200/563
CJ Premier 14
Mcintosh 501 mono's
Thiel 3.6
Put classic "best bang for the buck" cables like Kimber PBJ and 8TC in a balanced high resolving system and they are hard to beat, damn hard to beat and you can spend as much as you want
I disagree completely, and I can't help reading such claims as reckless. You're saying that anyone could expect to hear the same quality of reproduction with the PBJ in the chain as they would with a Cardas Golden Reference? Or a Jena Labs Symphony? A Purist Venustas? An HT Cyberlight? Not possible. If your hearing is good--as in you have an ear for learning an instrument, or a language--then I'm stunned that you could make such a claim.
I agree with Pops. Based upon the questions and virtual systems shown on this forum, too much attention is paid to cabling at the expense of front end components and other issues, primarily room acoustics. There are tons of sub $200/meter interconnects and cables, while not state of the art, are very good to excellent performers. Unless you're in the $5,000+ per component range, an incremental $2,000 or $3,000 is nearly always better spent on anything but cables. You don't have to agree with me, but there's really nothing stunning or reckless in this position.
So then, which one do you believe to be more important, Onhwy61, interconnects or PC's?
And you, Pops?