Shunyata Vs. Nordost power cables ?

Hi there,
my post re the Thor Vs. Hydra has died a death.
Hence anyone compared the mains cables ?
I know some people firmly entrenched in either camp, a few enlightened individuals who mix & match but no one unbiased to outline the differnces.
I have been a long time Shunyata user (very happily) but the new cyberlinks are revealing a lack of pace and a darkness I'd like to address.
Really enjoyed some things some Electraglides brought to the equation (with judicious matching) but a) they have no ground and b)the connectors are sad & will not grip - if they don't grip, they are not likely to pass current and won't work to best advantage (imo).
Given Nordosts undoubted build quality, I'm wondering if they could be the answer. I don't like their i/c's or speaker cables but could use some of their pace & space, if held in check by the Shunyatas.
Cheers Si
Hi Bhouser,

I had a Ultraglide Mini Khan plus on cd, PS Audio statement on pre and the
King Cobra V2 on the Pass.

Replaced PS with Harmonix and had a good and enjoyable listening session for about 7 hours before deciding :

this cord (Harmonix)does so many things better than most.
spatial relationships, micro dynamics, timbre, depth, width and possibly the most stable imaging I've heard from anything. Lovely balance and just the right amount of bloom.
Finding the 'control' lovely - it does seriously
great bass - but - there's just a slight smoothing off/sat on quality. Hiking the volume addresses this to a certain extent but listening to live recordings, they are not coming over with the dynamic range I know they have.
It's even more annoying to find something so nearly right !
Saying that, it's really unforced and very relaxing to listen to.

Not entirely happy with that I swapped to KC V2 on cd, Studio master on pre and PS on Pass.
Much more life but loosing the very tight grip and imaging.
Also think the PS rolls of the top end and have lost the incrdible extension I was getting in the bass.

I would have to say the Harmonix at least in my system is favourable over the PS, much cleaner, more air, better control but whether the same would be true on the power amp , I can't say - the Harmonix is not long enogh to make that journey!
Strange as I know the King Cobra V2 to be great on the source.
I think I'll look for another Taipan Alpha for the Pass and fund this by selling the Taipan Vx. I'm also tempted to try a Python Alpha or Anaconda Alpha on the pre.
I love to try an Anaconda Alpha to the Hydra and have the Anaconda Vx
re-terminated for the cd player but it's way too much money
unless I was certain it would be the final frontier so to speak.
I think some of the newer Ultraglides would be great cables mixed with Shunyata - they have a pace & delicacy that none of the Shunyatas can match but sound a bit thin unless there's Shunyata in the mix somewhere !

Ah well it's keeps me out of mischief !

Rgds Si
Hi Guys, I just bought an original Hydra recently. Does anyone know where I could find a copper slug to replace my 15 amp slow blo fuse? Also, any suggestions for a good all-round powercord to go from wall to Hydra? Thanks! Stan
Hi Stan,
I currently have an ad running for one - the guy I was trying to get it for has given up, he can't live with the original as he says it's dead!
My sentiments till I got the slug and sold my 8 !
If I get any offers, I'll direct them to you if that's OK.
Make sure you get a couple of levels of isolation under it or it will sound crap.
I use Dharumas/butchers block/mi-rollers - it will sound shit if you sit it on the floor.
RE the wall to Hydra, I'd say a Pyhton Alpha but have never seen one witha Nema for sale. The Mojave is a blinding cord
value wise.
Simon74, Thanks! Sure, I'd be interested in a copper slug. Also, I took your advice and just got the Hydra off my wood floor. It's now sitting on a sand filled Bright Star Audio Big Rock isolation base that I wasn't using. Best wishes. Stan
Hi everyone! I just did some research regarding the copper slug for the original hydra. I talked to Shunyata Research who said that they used to supply a copper slug with the original hydra on some units and it does indeed sound better than the 15 amp slo bow fuse; however, they have no copper slugs in stock at this time. I was told the copper slug is "cryogenicly treated CDA101 copper", which is a very pure form of copper. If anyone knows of where I might find a copper slug, please let me know. I'm quite interested. Thanks! Sincerely, Stan