Electraglide Epiphany vs Kubala-Ssna vs....

I'm a big fan of the electraglide epiphany, and have two of them. I just purchased a set of Nagra VPA tubed monos and will need two more PC's. They will both go into a model 80A3 Isoclean power conditioner.

Obv I am partial to the EG's but i want to keep an open mind. The isoclean SuperFocus is also quite nice - maybe a bit more musical than the ultra-transparent epiphany.

I am very interested in hearing what your experience with the Kubala vs the epiphany - and no conversation about PC's would be complete without adding Purist and Elrod, so comparisons between them and the epiphany woudl also be welcome.

THANKS in advance - Art
JD: Thanks for your report--I can think of many things, including root canal, I'd rather do than sit around comparing power cords, but they certainly do seem to make a difference.

FWIW, I am almost done rewiring my system in KS Emotion (four power cords to go), you are right, it is indeed a state of the art cable, at least in my system. It also works best as a complete system, as I'm sure all of them do. I am astonished at how even the power cords get rid of the high frequencty hash and present a smoother sonic picture without apparently favoring any frequency range over the other.
In defense of the isolean, it is very much system dependent. I find it more full bodied than the epiphany. Smoother and warmer, but i dont think its agressive at all - quite the opposite, it is a tad laid back next to the epiphany.

It all depend on what you find important, or rather what your component/system needs more of. I personally would not want a 100% epiphany or a 100% isoclean power cord in my system, which is why I have both.

I have never heard the K-S power cord in my system, but I did hear the interconnects and speaker cables (JD brought them over), and they were not to my liking all, so maybe it will be different for the power cord. I would agree in John's system the K-S was a better match than the Isoclean. Of course this reinfoces the obvious fact: everything is system and ear dependent, baby!

Round two is at JD's house, then round 3 will be at my place. More fun to come...

Nice write-up JD, but you got it wrong, we are both John's cronies, not visa versa!
I would have liked to have seen a Elrod Statement in the shootout as it is clearly superior to the Sig series and would evened out the playing field somewhat.
I just heard my pal's audio system,after not hearing it for about 2 months.Last session was a superb listening experience,as my other friends all agreed it was the best sound he had so far.Since that session,he upgraded his pre-amp P/C from a "high up the line" Electraglide cord(Don't know exact model,yet it listed for about 3500 bucks,according to him)to the Epiphany cord(nice Christmas tree/like "silver" casing as well).Unanimously,now,we felt there was a significant loss of warmth and body to both his digital,and analog sound.Really uninvolving,this time around!!

I have read that the Epiphany was actually an amp cord,yet when he comes back from his well deserved vacation,he will ask for an honest response as to our reaction,with the new voicing(which was "dreck").Any thoughts?

The Epiphany, probably, like most of the Electraglide cords, takes quite some time to break in. That could be a possibility.