Has anyone tried these cables from Gregg Straley yet?
Congratulations to Stereo_phile for stating publicly how this all ended as a classic "Win-Win" situation.
As Jim at Hagerman Technology suggested, honoring the spirit of the home trial concept truly benefits both parties.
Gregg at Reality Cables provided the highest level of customer service, which is how he treated me, and his other loyal fans.
Stereo_phile exemplifies his own high ethical standard by explaining his initial review had consciously avoided giving any credit to Reality as a cost effective product line.
I have consistently posted over the years that Gregg at Reality lets you judge the quality for yourself, in your own system. That's a consumer oriented tradition which is alive and well.
Stereo phile, your review of the Reality cables doesn't do anyone any good now because you wrote your review when you were mad or frustrated. Would the review be any better if you would have received your money back faster? I am surprised that the post is still up after reading all of this. Makes me wonder if reviewers do the same thing.
I know for a fact that David Schulte of the Upgrade Company has the Reality ic's in his system right now and loves them. He has these in 1 of his 3 systems and has sold several pairs of ic’s, some retailing over 4k. These ic’s are great performers and are priced ridiculously low. There are also a few members out there that have sold there AZ’s and CGR’s in favor of the Reality cables. Hopefully they will chime in soon.
Gregg's Reality cables between my pre and power sound more neutral than my expensive Neotech top-of-the-line Silver Ref (equivalent to AZ Silver Ref II). I am beginning to realise that cables are very system dependant. And, while it works for some, it might not work for others with a different system.
As for me, I will stick to Gregg's Reality cables (XLR). They are beautifully terminated with Vampire XLRs!
received gregg's reality speaker cables the other day. they are very transparent and neutral sounding-beautifully finished too.i am glad i switched to reality cables.his customer service is excellent-he called me a few times to go over the different wiring options-he took the trouble to look up the amp i was using and we discussed the options.great value for the money.
Stereo_phile wrote >>I have to admit that I was purposely harsh and tainted in my comments on his cables due to the fact that I was having problems obtaining refund which now I understand to be not Gregg's fault but someone hacking into his Paypal account that was causing the delay.<<

This is one of the most disturbing admissions on Audiogon. How does a reader deal with this in the context of assuming that reviews are honestly "hearing-only based" and not subject to anger/frustration with the manufacturer on an entirely different level? Or is this just normal human nature and Stereo_phile is more honest than most? I'll tell you what it does for me: I will ignore reviews and just listen myself!