Best Balanced/XLR Under $200

Just bought my first preamp and amp with XLR in/outputs (Rotel RC-1070 and Rotel RB-1080), so I'm curious to give it try. Currently connecting the two with Analysis Plus Oval Ones, which seem okay. I'm thinking about Audioquest King Cobra or PS Audio Statements but am open to other suggestions.
If you can score a pair of used Straightwire Maestro II, you'll be pretty thrilled. Why those? Well besides great materials (teflon, ofc stranded copper, blah, blah), the two signal conductors (in each cable) are separately shielded, which in balanced configuration gives black background and great transient response (as long as you aren't running 8 meters!)
The Straightwire Maestro suggestion is a good one. Also, the BMC (Black Mountain Cable Co.) XLR's are very good for the price. A little warmer and smoother than the Straightwires (in my system, my ears, etc) and they seem to go at auction for less than $200.

Your right on with the AQ. I would go for the AQ King Cobra. Excellent cable especially for the $
Went into a high-end shop in NYC today and was told a balanced interconnect would not make any noticeable difference in my system. I always pay attention when dealers talk you OUT of spending money. Thoughts? If I drop $ for balanced interconnects at this price point, will I hear a difference?