Neutral powercords

I'm looking for powercords that are neutral.
With or without shielding.
Do you guys have some options?
The power cords from Locus Design and CryoParts are very netursl, fast and dynamic. I've been using them for a few months now and with the combination I've put together I couldn't ask for much more, my system is SS based and most importantly this is my opinion
Keep in mind that the performance of any interconnect, cable, or cord is system dependent. You can start with recommendations, but be prepared to test with your own equipment, room and ears.
Here is an excellent thread by Agon member TVAD about different powercords including very helpful comments on which PCs are neutral, or warm and full-bodied:

Power Cord Flavors

Of course, as Zargon mentioned the performance of any cable is very much system dependent, however the above thread might give you an indication which ones to try.

Good luck.

Thanks for the atta-boy, Rene.

There are some excellent contributions to the "Power Cord Flavors" thread by a number of Audiogon members. I have found myself going back to the discussion on several occasions when considering a new cord.