Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?

Any one else out there using these Gabriel Gold IC's?
I need to know if it is me or if anyone else finds them as good as me.
I bought a pair on auction a while back and compared them to my Stealth cables.
After about a week of going back and forth I found the Gabriel Golds to have bettered my Stealths and bought more.
Is it me?
Just wondering what some other folks who bought them think of them.
Thanks for the input.
Clio09 - Yes, I was kinda late with trying out the RS products. The Haley was a nice step forward in adding more clarity to the system. It impressed me so much I suggested to a couple friends to try it out. And they too were equally impressed.

Keep in mind that my comments on cables are relative to others that I have owned that excelled in the key areas important to me. One thing I find is that to get the top-most cables in these areas, I often have to sacrifice that last bit of detail and extension on the top. And this is one of the Hybrid vs. Indra issues for me. Both of these cables and the GG Rev. have very similar tonality, with the edge in my system going to the Indra for that last bit of coverage on the top. None of these cables ever exhibited a brightness or listener fatigue.

Concerning a recessed soundstage, I have the SoundLab A1's so that they are nearly 7 feet into the room. They are near the side walls but almost 10 feet apart center to center. I now have a lot more clarity going on behind the speakers vs. when the speakers were only 5 feet into the room. The row of 5 ASC tube traps placed behind the speakers last year was a major step forward in bringing on clarity to the mids and trebles as well. Next thing to try is some treatments on the ceiling.

Speaker positioning I find to be critical for image placement, but generally not in how decays are portrayed .... and this latter attribute was what I had issues with the GGs. I'm not much of an imaging fanatic but with the latest round of improvements, I have gained much here for free.
Jafox, thanks for the additional comments. I only hope to one day have a listening room where I can spread my speakers a couple feet more apart. Perhaps when I move in a few months.

Are you using the Mongoose PC with the Haley? I purchased mine before this option was available. I use a Oyaide Tunami GPX and have no issues with it.

Its interesting to hear an opinion which does not comply in general with the group. Its a positive point of view which clarifies the point that cables are system dependent and that there is no one holy grail. Remember how the Indra was held as the top cable on the hill at one time.

I have listened to another Hybrid gold/silver design and it was superb in my system. But the right attributes that the GG has won. The experience demonstrated that the current designs today are far ahead of the crop of designs from a few years ago and the cable of choice has more to do with our own bias set up at home. The cable and its designers are a secondary thought to the process.
Audiobuzz, once again I have to ask if you have any affiliation with GG. You seem to jump on Jafox pretty quickly, just like you jumped on me in the Jade thread. 4 of your 7 thread responses on record indicate promoting GG cables. So, is there financial gain here for you, or does someone else not liking your favorite cable bother you for some reason? You do understand that another's findings in no way invalidates a purchase you have made, don't you? It's not an insult if someone likes a different flavor of ice cream than you, is it? Would you get all testy like that at an ice cream parlor if someone said he liked a flavor better than your chosen flavor?

Relax, you are allowed to like the GG cables if you choose. However, don't try to waltz in the door and tarnish reputations of long standing members. I have always found Jafox's descriptions and recommendations to be spot on. My tastes run very similar to his. I also felt the GG Extreme interconnects to have a shallow soundstage. The GG Revelation speaker cables I tried had better depth, but had other soundstage anomilies. Yes, they were a 1 meter run, which I know burns your shorts, but Steve was more than willing to make them and sell them as his GG Revelation cables. So there has to be some accountability.

You really come off as having a serious ax to grind. I just can't figure out if it's for profit or just immaturity.

I know Jafox and have done business with him. His honesty and ethics are beyond reproach.

Audiobuzz, you need to pick on somebody more like yourself.