Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?

Any one else out there using these Gabriel Gold IC's?
I need to know if it is me or if anyone else finds them as good as me.
I bought a pair on auction a while back and compared them to my Stealth cables.
After about a week of going back and forth I found the Gabriel Golds to have bettered my Stealths and bought more.
Is it me?
Just wondering what some other folks who bought them think of them.
Thanks for the input.

I'm still holding Art's modded AES PH-1 phono stage hostage in the closet of my listening room; it's a little honey! I know he'll eventually come around for it...he he.

I don't believe he has a net site. He sells mainly through Audiogon under the user name: Sts. Search Gabriel and his ads will come up.
Hey Gary,

It looks as if you've been busy lately, new speakers and......what???? JPS Aluminata interconnects have replaced your GG Raptures. I haven't heard the Aluminata's yet, what would you say are the differences between the Rapture and the Aluminata.

You can PM me off-line if you do not care to comment on-line.

hmmmm richard.....tempting.....i just sold off my main table, but still have an old sota moonbeam that might take a liking the the aes.....your closet feeling a little full? i still a couple thousand of albums....can't melt 'em down and sell 'em by weight....