What does 'Fast mean?

This might sound ignorant but can someone describe to me what is meant when cables or equipment for that matter is said to be 'fast'?
my girl friend says im fast maybe i need to learn how to oscillate..funny about thats why amps are heavey phd
I take "fast" to mean how quick the output of a device can follow a change at the input - which would pretty much describe the above impressions of transients, attack, etc. As for cables, well... they either do the job or they don't. Poorly designed cables will result in modifiers such as "bright" or "bloated" while the good ones are hardly distinguishable unless you really move up the food chain in equipment. All this IMHO, as I have not heard all or every possible combination of gear.
Fast usually means the sound is thin and without body/weight making it seem faster! That is what I have found when auditioning "fast" gear.
