What does 'Fast mean?

This might sound ignorant but can someone describe to me what is meant when cables or equipment for that matter is said to be 'fast'?
Like my amp, my typing skills are fast but unlike my amp, I am not accurate. Rwwear, I agree more is better than less. Bbaxely2, it is understandable your girlfriend would prefer a slower hand, good sense of humor!

In all seriousness an amp with several small caps can recharge themselves more quickly than say only two or four much larger caps. Like the McCormack amps using several small caps with each one located close to each individual output device equals a fast amp. This can be heard but difficult to descibe. Cannot speak for cabling and its contribution to this phenominum, I never changed cable to prove this theory only to improve & get the desired sound quality.
Glidewriter, is right when he says, "Truly fast gear will track complex waveforms precisely, neither lagging behind rising edges or overshooting trailing edges."

As an example, Class D amps are fast. They don't waste nearly as much energy during their switching chores, so can more adroitly cover complex passages. If you have a fast transducer, you are in for a treat.
Oh, other classes of well designed amps can`t track the input signal as acurately or quickly? NONSENSE.
Again, my 1970's hand held, transistor radio sounded fast. Why? Because it produced threadbare sounding music without body, soul and foundation. It played a 3 minute song in 3 minutes just like a Lamm SET amp - no faster.

A Mcintosh 402 amp won't sound fast, but rather it will sound beautiful and full. A Toshiba 3950 DVD player (I own one and like it for the money - $49 after rebate) sounds very fast due to its lack of body and weight. Perhaps I am to simple here, but it sure seems that way to my ears.