Kubala-Sosna Cables..... I don't get it ?????

Why aren't these cables more widely used by us audiophiles....??? I've been auditioning these interconnects sent to me from a dealer and these are good.....My other cables on the short list to listen to are the Synergistic Absolute Reference X2's, Purist Audio Dominus....they are sweet, coherent, detailed and not popular.....I don't get it !!! Am I missing something ????? Are they just the flavor of the month cable ????
Unfortunately Judge Judy has done it again to provide a response of zero value. I do not understand why such people post in these forums when all we get is a quick bashing. Quite honestly, this kind of 'contribution' to these forums gets old fast when a number of us are here to learn from the experiences of others.

The same thing with Judy continues on over and over and over with B&W speakers. Yes Judy, we know you have negative issues with products. What we do not know is what products you like. Without this knowledge, your comments here do nothing more than prove that you have nothing better to do than complain a lot. Is this really what this hobby is all about?

"Lots of hype."

Hype? From whom? This product has had a handful of discussions here, but hardly much if anything at all from the magazines .... and not at all the coverage like many other cables. So this claim of hype is, to use one of Judy's words, crap.

"Nice product but no better than a handful of similarly priced products."

We are not talking 'better'. This is not the point. There is no such thing as 'best' or 'better' in an overall cable standing. And yes, contrary to Judy's ignorance on the subject here, the K-S Emotion has some strenghts like no other cable I have tried in my system; and some of these cost significantly more. I have tried a lot of cables.....all described on A'gon posts over the years.

I stand by my comments above. There are real differences in a highly resolving system and we all owe it to ourself to try as many of these as we can and determine what works best for us.

Thanks, John....I just don't respond or take those comments into consideration. I appreciate the professional answers that others have given me here. Not every cable, speaker or piece of equipment is going to please everyone .... If you don't like it, don't buy it...but the continous bashing of by some people just wastes allot of time. I for one do not like NBS cables, my opinion, but I certainly don't jump in in every thread on NBS about why I don't like the cable just to prove my point as some do....especially when their answers have nothing to do with the original questions !!!!NBS makes great stuff....they just didn't work in MY SYSTEM !!!!! Judy 426 added nothing to this thread about the Kubala-Sosna cables....probably hasn't even listend to them...but we have an opinion....gotta love it.
You hear lots-o-chat about the Emotion cables, which come with a heafty price tag (in many eyes.) I must chime in and go to bat for the (often in the shadows) K-S Fascination series of cables.

With the exception of recently upgrading my SC's to the Emotion series, I have been using the Fascination SC's & IC's for over a year and still am as dazzled with these, as the day I first hooked them up.

Often, while listening to my system with the Fascinations, I scratched my head wondering how there could be two more levels of K-S cables that best the Fascination series.

For those who find the Emotion's price tag to be unrealistically out of reach, I whole heartedly encourage you to try the Fascination cables.

I now can say from experience, though the Emotion took it to another level, the Fascination shares the family resemblance. They too are "that good."

I can say with all honesty that to date, changing my cabeling to the K-S Fascination series, made the largest noticable (positive) change to my system's performance, in comparrison to any other component change in nearly 10 years.
Maybe Judy hasn't heard the KS cables, but there is a lot of truth in Judy's post.

Many here go through cables like toilet paper, each time proclaming the "new" cables are soooo much better than their current cables. Then along comes a newly hyped cable and the last "better" cable goes up for sale being replaced by the latest "better" cable.

When Cerious cables came out I auditioned them after reading some of the hype here. They were good, but I didn't think they were better than the cables I currently own. When I posted my listening impressions some responded with the usual "deer in the highlights" look. "What? Are you out of your mind?"

Fast forward a couple of months. There seems to be more than a few Cerious cables up for sale here in such a short period of time. I've seen it happen over and over (and if you are paying attention, you have too).

And many of the same names frequently pop up on the cable merry-go-round. Nothing wrong with having fun and changing flavors, but it does get old hearing about the "latest, greatest world-beater" from the same ole equipment junkies.

Think about it. If the latest, greatest cable was really that much better than the previously hyped cable and the previously hyped cable was that much better than the one before it and so on .... then the cable that was sooooo incredible four generations ago, in reality, had to have really sucked!
I agree Mr. Fiddler. This is the first time that I have thought about changing cables in some time. If I am going to spend that much $$$ on certain cables, they better be good as they will be staying in my system for awhile.