Kubala-Sosna Cables..... I don't get it ?????

Why aren't these cables more widely used by us audiophiles....??? I've been auditioning these interconnects sent to me from a dealer and these are good.....My other cables on the short list to listen to are the Synergistic Absolute Reference X2's, Purist Audio Dominus....they are sweet, coherent, detailed and not popular.....I don't get it !!! Am I missing something ????? Are they just the flavor of the month cable ????
Calloway, was there any significant burn-in time for your emotion power cords? I have three pairs on loan, so to speak, not sure I like everything about what I'm hearing so far.

"as i assure you if all audiophiles could afford the purist 'dominus' they probably would try it"

Just curious how you can speak with such authority as to "assure" us about anything. I can "assure" you that I can afford any cable on this page or on any page in the Cable Forum. The fact that I have no interest in trying PAD, KS, Pranawire, etc. to date has nothing to do with price, but everything to do with being satisfied with my system at the moment. Combine that with the fact that as I matured from childhood I learned that the lastest, greatest toy was ultimately no more enjoyable than the one before it, it was only new and different. The evidence was a closet full of toys seldom played with whenever something new came along.

I am happy for you that you enjoy the hobby as you do and if that involves changing components often ... then more power to you. But you can drop the snobbery down a notch or two. I don't think you can make such far-reaching and psychic statements of fact as to pretend to know what everyone's motivations are regarding cable choice. I am sure many here have various and sundry reasons why they don't try every "world-beater" cable that comes along. I know what my reasons are and they have nothing to do with money.
The truth to Judy's post is that there is hype to virtually everything here. Just look at how dead the ARC Ref2 Mk II is now that the Ref 3 is out. Or the incredible Tenor amps and Kharma speakers that we do not hear much about anymore now that the Dartzeel electronics and huge Von Schweikert speakers have taken the world by storm. And what happened to the Linn CD-12? The hype here is gone with the DCS and EMM products doing digital like none of us ever heard analog. And the list goes on.

The point of this thread was not about hype but whether or not the Kubala-Sosna cables were worth the effort to make a serious audition. And I think a number of people here have suggested to the poster of this thread that these cables are indeed worthy of this.

Garebear: Interesting that you mentioned NBS. I ran with these for over 5 years and enjoyed them immensely. But with the sound of my system going in new directions, they no longer sonically fit well with all the changes; there's simply too much of a good thing (midrange warmth) with them in my current system. In the future they just might work mighty fine again.

Gentlemen, perhaps you should pay attention to what has actually been written. The original poster asked three questions. 1) "Why aren't these cables more widely used by us audiophiles....???" 2)"Am I missing something ?????" 3)"Are they just the flavor of the month cable ????" I think his main question relates to the first question he asked. Why aren't these cables more widely used? I can think of a few reasons. 1) It's expensive 2) It's not widely distributed 3)It's relatively new on the market

That's pretty much what you missed as posters here have answered your third question, that is the cables are good cables that are worthy of more owners.

Oh and Calloway said "probably would try". So Fiddler, he did leave a bit of room for guys like you. But I agree with some of your points. I personally would love to try the cables, but swapping cables in and out are a hassle to me. And I'm cheap, so I would hate to even pay for shipping just to try them out. Of course, many here try out stuff by actually buying them and selling them for practically the same price later. I'm not much of a tester. I prefer to get something good and stick with it.

Personally, I think many audiophiles can be happy with many different gear choices and cable. When in doubt, popularity does help to sway you one way or another I think.
Answer #1, the company is two years old and building a dealer network. Expense could be an issue, but they have five lines, so I doubt it's that.

Answer #2, in my opinion yes, your missing something if you have not tried them.

Answer #3, I hope not.

I'm tired of having to re-cable because of advancements in cable technology. Remember ten years ago it was lamp cord or Monster Cable. These new companies are here because of a better understanding of how signals are transferred and how different materials affect the signal. Ten years ago recommending Teflon??? Why, so the eggs don't stick?

Sadly, as anything quickly developing (computers, Plasma TV, LED, HD...) advances change the bar. It looks like flavor of the month, if you choose to look at it like that. I prefer to think were moving forward, and finally hearing our electronics.

This may in the end not be what some are looking for in that they might not want to actually hear their equipment. K-S cables are very neutral and very revealing of what your equipment is doing. Valhalla broke long unobtainable barriers, but in reflection they had weaknesses. Did I chase the flavor of the month, yes if four years is too fast to turn over.

I personally love the K-S cables, and because they are so clean and neutral I can now hear other cables, and find a balance if I determine my system has weaknesses that can be augmented by a more colored cable. This is a break through in my mind...
