What about power cords to mate Krell 650MC amps?

I bought a pair of Krell 650MC high-current amps.Could you advise what power cords to mate the pair of amps?
Thanks in advance.

System:Audio Research CDT1 transport---Tara Labs The One digital cable 1m XLR---Audior esearch DAC3---Tara Labs The One interconnect 1m XLR---Audio Research ReferenceII MkII---Tara Labs The One interconnect 2m XLR--- a pair of Krell 650MC amps--- home-made speaker wires 8'---Speakers:Duntech Sovereign 2001
I would second Elrod's cables. I have his Statements feeding both my McCormack DNA-500 amp and my power conditioner from the wall. The difference compared to other power cords I've tried was very noticeable. They just do everything "right" and are not leaving my system unless David Elrod comes up with something better in the future.

Once you have heard them, its hard to settle for anything else - I went from Signatures to Statements and although they cost more, they are probably among the handful of high-priced cords that are actually worth what they cost, IMHO. Since you have really good amps, I would at least hear them through the Signatures or Statements before you make your decision. Hope this helps.
The power cord that came with the amp is as great as other expensive cords out there!. You already have so much power on your krell that you only need a great preamp to tame it. Recommending ML No. 380S. You will love this. Bottom line, use the cord that came with it.
I have replaced the stock power cable on my ksa 250 with a PS Audio Xtream Plus. I found the impovements in bass control and articulation worth the cost w/o any downside. The price if I remember correctly was less than $200 on sale.
I currently own a pair of Krell 650mc amps and found the BMI Cable Hammerhead Silver statements to be an incredible match. By far the most natural and highest resolution power cords I've listened to. And that includes the Purist , Shunyata and NBS models which I've owned.
