Nordost Cables

I have recently changed over my amps from a valve set up to chip amps and need a new Interconnect. I currently have an Audionote IC and it leaves the sound a little too bright especially on bad CDs. I have borrowed a Nordost Frey and like what it does, although the blue Heaven lost too much detail in comparison. Unfortunately I can't afford a new wiring loom or a $1,000 IC at the moment.

Anyone any experience of the Heimdall or Baldur and will they give me something similar ? Would the SPM do the same magic as they appear used at lower costs?
Brianmgrarcom; I use ANV cables. A Heimdall is now on its way for evaluation so it will be interesting to hear what it does. Certainly agree with Utopia though.
Thanks for the reply George. The AN-V's are great cables and IMO I don't think they are causing brightness in your system, maybe revealing it. (Just my opinion.)
my system is:
Andar by Eaglestoneworks speakers;
pair of monoblocks eAr1001 by Accoustic Reality (600w each);
Ear Master One preamp.with Fire Wire by Accoustic Reality,I'm going to use with my PC music files.
Any adwise for speakers cables?
Thank you, Val
If you like the flatwire concept try the Alpha Core Goertz cables. I had been considering Nordost SPM until I cam across a forum here that discussed these cables. Great value for the dollar. Mine are the Goertz MI-2 Veracity which is copper, but they make a silver version too.
I went from Nordost SPM and Quattrofil to Consonance and lost nothing! Nordost is good stuff but pricing is a killer...I was shocked the inexpensive Consonance matched up as well if not better.