IC's between Power Amp and Pre Amp

I am looking for suggestions about IC's to go between Musical Fidelity A3CR Power and Pre Amps. I am looking to upgrade to approximately $300 to $400 level. Any suggstions or warnings will be appreciated. Thanks
good standard choices, (been around, lots of folks say they are good)
Kimber KCAG
Nordost Blue Heaven
Jena, Purist and Cardas are all for sale here at Audiogon in that price range.

In fact, you could buy one or two brands at that price, try them and resell at (probably) no loss except for the ad fee of $5.00.
I think you should try SilentAudio Apollo C copper interconnects(for Solid State components). They are available on audiogon auctions and if you can get by with short 18-20" lengths, Paul will make them up for you at such a modest cost it is virtually a no risk proposition. If you like them you'll have some spare change--$375 to play with. If you want to spend $400+ I like Kworks custom made non shielded ICs and Igor also makes a very fine "empowered" model power cord. I have no connection with either company other than being a satisfied customer.