IC's between Power Amp and Pre Amp

I am looking for suggestions about IC's to go between Musical Fidelity A3CR Power and Pre Amps. I am looking to upgrade to approximately $300 to $400 level. Any suggstions or warnings will be appreciated. Thanks
VH Audio Spectrum (copper). $400/pair direct with a 60 money back guarantee. I can't imagine you will return them.
Incredibly transparent and open.
In my system (Modwright SWL 9.0SE, Modwright Sig. Truth Platinum Sony 999ES, CJ MV60SE, and Aural Acoustics Model B) I found them to be better than Oritek X-2s and Nordost Quattro Fils.
I'll post a review in a week or so.
What speakers and speaker cable will you be using with them? Is there a certain type of music you listen to more than others? And, what aspects of sonic performance are the most, and least, important to you?

Are you using the copper Spectrums for all connections? Did you use the X-2s in the same way - between all components? I was thinking of trying the X-2s but too many return charges. In what way did the Spectrums surpass the X-2?
Thanks for any info.
