Hey, why do WE have to break-in cables???

With the prices the cable manufacturers charge for some cables, why don't they break em in? Especially the ones that need mega hours. Why leave it to us to listen through the frequently nasty experience of the break-in process. And while we're at it how about pre-amps and amplifiers? Especially the $6,000-$10,000+++ models. For that kind of dough you'd think they could give us a break ;<) and do some of the break-in for us. All the discussion about break-in and it dawned on me, why do WE have to do it? We should get PO'd!
I agree wholeheartedly. If I have to run my system for a month solid everytime I get a new component, I'm going to wear a lot of stuff out (especially tubes, cd drive mechanisms).
I also agree w/ Nrchy, as I've noticed that if I don't play my system for a while, it takes some time to sound good again. But not a very long time - just a couple hours.
It may have to do with marketing. If you get a 30 day home trial of something that takes 800 hours of breakin-you won't get there til 3 days too late, even if you keep them running 24/7. Also, they want you to get used to listening to the product. I wonder if much of the break-in process is US breaking in to accept the new sound as valid.
Hi Rja.

This topic has been discussed before. Do a search. Meantime, we've posted a bit before on this topic. Here are the Links. Hope it helps.



You have a valid point. But still, 80-100 hours of break-in by the manufacturer would go a long way toward making life easier for the consumer. I feel that more companies should offer this service, especially the high buck guys.
Getting them raw ,is cool. I like to go through all the phases of hi-fi. It is after all a hobby. Plug and play is not the same. Babies without the crawl or the teething,the first walk or laugh.

especially at mega $$$$$
Problem with break-in is you are not always sure if they will actually sound 'better' after the designated period....