power cords for 220v

maybe a silly question but - is there any problem buying a power cord in the US that will work in a 220v line (beside the plug off course) ?
The electricity supply in my area is also 220V. I have purchased and used a number of after the market power cord made in US with no problem. The only thing you need to concern yourself is that your property insurance company may deem it as using some sort of non-standard wiring. In my area I sometimes see the dealers having those US cords marked as "For Export Only" to avoid possible legal infrigement issue. Can't say if this will apply to your country however.
Coming from a 240V 50hz country Ive also wondered about this. Not so much the voltage but the line frequency. Aside from the supposed better shielding and rejection of after market powercords, Ive heard more than once about these being tuned in materials and length for electrical 'resonances'.

If this has any truth, and the 'tunings' are frequency dependent then surely a cable built for 60hz will not benefit from this aspect when used with 50hz?

Food for thought.
There are many cords made for the US market that are rated at around 300V. These cords will work on 220~240V but the rating would be considered dangerously too low by any electrical authority. I have on a number of occasions emailed power cord manufacturers to check on the ratings of their cords. In some cases they have stated clearly that certain of their cords should NOT be used on 230V because of the danger of fire. Don't take the risk - either with your insurance or your family. Also be aware that the left-right polarity conventions are not the same everywhere. This could lead to electrocution with a single pole switch and a faulty component unless you get an appropriate adaptor (many of which are not).

You have raised good concerns but because of my poor knowledge of electrical configuration, I do not however fully understand why the left-right polarity reversal would matter. I imagine the manufacturers of high-end equipments when producing a 240V unit will have considered and addressed this polarity reversal issue ? I thought the stock pc that accompany a 240V unit should be the same as that for a 120V unit; and therefore would have the same polarity issue as those after-the-market pc ?
Greeni. If you look at a US plug and say an Aus plug, with the phase and neutrals above the earth, then whereas the phase will be on the left on one plug, it will be on the right on the other. Some adaptor plugs correctly reverse the phase and unfortunately some don't. If your equipment has a double pole switch then there is no real issue, but some equipment use just a single pole switch, leading to the possibility that the neutral is being switched and the phase is not. Under these conditions a unit that is faulty can be 'live' and dangerous when switched off when it would not be if the phase was not reversed. The issue is not a big one. My reason for raising it was to recommend you use an adaptor plug that deals with the phase reversal rather than one that does not, or to refit the cord into a local plug, attending to correct phase. Consider this - an electrician would lose his license if he installed wall sockets with disregard as to phase. There are safety reasons to get this right, even if the circumstances where it makes a differences are possibly rare. FWIW you can go to VH Audio and order any of their power cords with most countries' plugs. You should always check with the manufacturer and I think you will find Chris will confirm the suitability of his cords for 230V operation. In response to your logic on the stock after-market cord. In some cases, sadly, you may be right. But if the local plug has been competently fitted then the cord will have been fitted to the plug with the right polarity. The issue is not the cord, but the fitting of it to the plug. Hope this helps.