Recommend Power Cable for Aragon 4004MK2 amp

I have an Aragon 4004 MK2 amp. It sounds very good, but I still have the stock AC power cord. Would it be worth it to upgrade this cable?? and what improvements can I expect?? Need recommendations from other owners for a modestly priced power cable, that is $100-$250. Don't want to spend the money if it is only going to produce "marginal" gains. Looking to achieve tighter bass and a more coherent soundstage from this type of upgrade. Or,is that asking too much from a new power cable. Thank you, Jim
Rotarius, yes, the connectors make a big difference. Simply 'refreshing' your connections by plugging 'n unplugging can make a difference. But it's definitely not all there is to the PC phenomenon.
Rotarius, yes, the connectors make a big difference. Simply 'refreshing' your connections by plugging 'n unplugging can make a difference. But it's definitely not all there is to the PC phenomenon.

That may be the case, I am not an electrical guy so I don't really ridicule someone else's opinion. Now some of the mumbo-jumbo I read on a'gon on vibration control, that makes me laugh at times.
hi jim.
there is no question in my mind that there is an extreme improvement with a good power cable...
my friend and i went to visit a buddy of ours who had a mac 6900 with med fed amp and b w 804s speakers...put on a sarah mclaughlin c d and there was an immmediate/noticeable improvement on the overall sonic tone and especially the bass...a ps audio statement cable...
i have an aragon 4004 amp 9000es acoustics vmr-90 speakers...a quad 99 pre that is due shipped by sat. and am currently in the market for a set of this statement cable...
anyone that does not notice a differance...should have ther ears cleaned