Anyone tried Acrolink power cables from Japan ?

If so,how would you rate them against some of the "majors"
such as Elrod,VD& EG. Very broad question,I know,but would
just like to get a htnt of their capability.
Albert......was it this cable? This is the only 'gray' cable that Acrolink makes.
The Acrolinks with the Oyaide connectors that Alan cryo's and then sells are fantastic for the price of around $400.00. Give him a call, 602.277.0799, or go to his website, You'll be glad you did.

Maybe, but thought I remembered it being all one color rather than textured like the one you linked to. The part I remember as most positive about the Acrolink was it's VERY flexible, soft nature.

The Elrod felt like it was housed in a "U" shaped channel and the Purist (which is my standard) is filled with Ferox, making it quite large diameter, stiff and heavy.

The Shunyata is large, stiff and heavy also. The FIM or Cable Research was so stiff, (I can't remember which now) would come unplugged from the amp if not bent into perfect position when installing. It was impossibly stiff and did not sound good (very dead, like power cable made from Romex).

Each sounded different and I must confess that Purist is my favorite with Elrod as second place on most of the pieces in my system. Of course I have NOT heard all the cables out there, I have to make a living in the photo business.

There must be about 300 power cables now if you count every version. Likely a full time job, 8 hours a day for months to test them all.

I've listened to power cables from Cable Research, Shunyata, Purist, Elrod, Acrolink, Cardas, Audioquest, Nordost, Synergistic, FIM and others. All sound different and often the deciding factor is WHAT it's plugged into.

My new custom tube crossover for the Dali Megalines sounded marvelous with the new Purist Aqueous Anniversary but I did not like these same power cables on my VTL 750's.

On the VTL, both Dominus Ferox and Auctorita (Purist for German market) smoked the new version. On the Walker turntable the Omega Mikro beat every cable I have tried in that position, including Purist's that cost several times as much.

I think we are at the infant stage of understanding power and power cables.
Great detailed information, Albert. It's always refreshing to read such descriptive commentary (especially the fitting and ergonomic qualities), and I'm heartened to see you (also) recognize the vagueries of power delivery, by stating...."All sound different and often the deciding factor is WHAT it's plugged into." Clearly, your experience has proved this out. If only the skeptics would gain such real-world experience before putting forth negative and/or disparaging commentary.

On another point....the Acrolink P4030's are made *only* with a deep, dark blue cable....none are 'gray', nor are any of the AC connectors (those being red, blue, and amber). The only AC connectors that would appear to be gray in any fashion would be the more expensive Acrolink carbon fiber-and-aluminum bodied units.

With all the cables you've auditioned, it's only natural for some of them to blend together on the color spectrum. Take a break for a while!
If memory serves there were Acrotec cables available 10-15 years ago. Are Acrolink cables as distributed by Lotus Group new and/or different than those earlier cables? I recall the copper purity figures being the same. I'd be interested in a brief history.