Are all asynchronous USB inputs similar?

I was wondering if they were all the same, or were certain designs better than others?
For someone to compare very well regarded USB products such as yours and the Baetis server,surely listening to both is the best way to make a choice.
Certainly listening is the best way. I offer 30-day money-back, less shipping, so the risk is minimal.

I was just commenting that one vendors review is not as good as many customer unbiased posts.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
They both have trial periods. But given the complexity and the pretty different approaches not sure comparisons are that easy. One is a computer and one uses a computer you have.
The issue is which pathway offers the best sound quality. Baetis eschews
USB in favor of dedicated high quality SPDIF connection vs Steve's high
grade USB products approach. Someone with a computer and Empirical
Audio USB parts compared to Baetis with SPDIF using the same music
I welcome such a comparison. I have not lost in a fair shootout yet.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio