Are all asynchronous USB inputs similar?

I was wondering if they were all the same, or were certain designs better than others?
I have heard quite a few different async converters and they are all different.

Is there anything out there that confirms that one USB Conversion chip in itself is better than another?? i.e
Xmos, Cmedia, Crystal, Tenor, FPGA ???
I believe that there are most likely excellent examples of most
Koestner - some USB interfaces are constantly improving, even my own. I have done at least 2 mods to the Off-Ramp and added an optional power supply in the last year. It is 5th generation, Off-Ramp 5.

The thing to realize is that an external USB converter like an Off-Ramp 5 driving your USB DAC with S/PDIF will undoubtedly beat your USB interface and probably your transport too. I have lots of customers using the Off-Ramp 5 to drive USB DACs, abandoning the built-in USB interface. 30-day money-back, less shipping.

Off-Ramp 5:

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Timlub - these different Async implementations have more to do with the drivers or lack thereof and maybe support for DSD.

The jitter performance of each of these is really independent of the base chipset, assuming the designer knows what he is doing. A lot don't.

This is the reason why I don't expect the SQ of my newer XMOS implementation to be much different than my current M2Tech implementation. If anything, the galvanic isolation will make the difference. Galvanic isolation can be designed into the M2Tech implementation as well, but I didn't.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Thanks Steve, Has anyone heard that Microsoft will ever make a USB Audio 2.0 Compliant driver?