Cables, Cables

I am sure this was asked many times before, but anyway here I go…
I've been using Home Depot 12 AWG copper wire, bi-wired. It sounded very good to my ear. After reading up some, I've decided to buy some really nice pre-made wire; after all I am always looking for some improvements. So, I bought Audioquest CV-4 not bi-wired. Brought it home, connected and the sound became flat and dull. Am I misunderstanding something here?
Why should pre made wire sound better. Most cable co.s don`t own a single piece of test equipment. Almost none have manufacturing facilities. They buy the cables OEM; mark them up astronomically & rely on the ad copy & audiophile gullibility to send them to the bank grinning from ear to ear.
As a devout cable nut, I can say with absolute certainty (all laugh) that some cables need over 200 hours of settling time to reveal themselves. Cables that are dealer demos don't usually need a full weeks worth of current, but some new cables don't open up for a long time. The point is that anybody who swaps cables and listens for a day or two and then makes a value judgement hasn't given the cables a fair shake. I've had cables that started off sounding bad and actually got worse after about 75 hours of continuous current, only to open up with glorious splendor after 200 hours. There is a reason for this anomaly, but that's another thread all together.