Which power cord to upgrade first?

I am just starting to explore the world of PC upgrades, and am wondering what a typical upgrade strategy would be. Which cable upgrade would have the biggest impact: my digital source or my receiver? Should I eventually do both?
Thanks for everyone's thoughts. My system consists of:

Denon DVD2200 (DVD, CD/SACD)
NAD T763
Spendor S5e
I am running direct 5.1 from the Denon with Audio Note AN-S silver interconnects
Speaker cable is Luminous Renaissance

Obviously, my system is a little far from high-end, so perhaps a PC upgrade will have little impact at this point?
Obviously, my system is a little far from high-end, so perhaps a PC upgrade will have little impact at this point?
MurzĀ  (Threads)

You nailed it, Murz. There's nothing wrong with the gear you presently own, but IMO upgraded power cords are not going to give you the best bang for your buck. Perhaps put those dollars into a better source. If you like the Denon, then watch the Audiogon listings for Exemplar Audio modified Denon DVD machines, including the Denon 2900. Just one thought. There are many ways to spend bucks in this hobby, but fancy wire won't pay dividends until the rest of your system is raised a level.
Tvad is dead on; power cords would be diminishing returns at the point you are at. Definitely save for component upgrades - much bigger bang for buck over time.