Archiving CDs to HD...suggestions?

i'm thinking of moving and wondering the best way to consolidate my 3k CD collection to a hard drive, which would be much easier to move.

clearly i'd go into PC/Mac-based audio in my new abode.

but a few questions first:
1) does the cd drive matter to the rip? or do i just need to use a good software like EAC or the like to ensure an accurate rip?

2) if i rip on a PC, do i have to use a PC in the future, or can i use a Mac against my external music store if it was created under a PC?

3) what sort of redundancy is in order? RAID 1? RAID 5? or just another HD the same as the one i plan on playing from, and simply use it as a backup?

4) which uncompressed file format should i use? AAC or something else?

5) any estimate of how much storage would be required for 3k CDs? or would it be feasible to split my music collection across 2 primary A-L, M-Z...which is really asking if playback software can read across multiple drives in one virtual "library"

6) are rips sensitive to vibrations, power conditioning, etc?

thanks for any suggestions
The format isn't that big an issue because there is free software that can interconvert (like XLD on Mac). Just make sure it's a lossless format. I do prefer FLAC because it can take any custom tag name you want.

1T is probably enough for 3000 discs, but since 2T and even 3T drives are available now, I'd just get the biggest drive you can to allow for future growth. I use an external USB drive for backup. For ease of expansion, I use LVM (logical volume management), but that's a unix thing, I'm not sure how that translates to other operating systems. With LVM I can add another drive when I need more space, issue a few commands to add that space to my existing music library, and then it all looks like one big drive.
A few important notes on format:

I'd strongly discourage you from using WAV files for lack of metadata support which will make your life living hell if you ever have to move files around, share files, or restore from a backup. Just don't do it.

If you are using iTunes to manage your library it will NOT support FLAC in its native form. You would have to use some add-on software like Amarra or Pure Music in order to use FLAC files. Otherwise FLAC is an excellent choice as it does work with a whole lot of options in software and is cross-platform.

As has been noted already, the software that you use to rip the files initially will make a significant difference. The drive will not. Good recommendations already for EAC (PC only) or XLD. I'd add Max to the list for Mac, and I would avoid ripping in iTunes because the error correction is not great. Make sure to have the error-correction set in whatever software you choose to the most vigorous setting (in Max that would be "Full Paranoia" using CD Paranoia as error correction).

Mirrored RAID is what you want. I believe that is RAID 1. Good advice already about the drive size (2-3tb with room for expansion). I would further advise you get good raw HD units for the RAID device such as WD Black Caviar or Hitachi Ultrastar Enterprise. The components used to build those drives are superior to the cheaper drives (some from the same manufacturers) and they have a higher MTBF rating, FWIW. Any drive can fail though, so backup is absolutely a must and RAID is a great way to do it.

You might also look to for further info and opinions.

Good luck
A couple of last pieces of advise. Before you start ripping discs, turn off the CD autoplay feature in your computer. If you don't, the machine will try to play each disc before your ripping software has a chance to do it's thing. Also, once you find a series of settings you want to use (level of FLAC compression, directory to which the rips should be written, etc.), verify they have not changed before each ripping session. It's extremely frustrating to have to re-rip discs because some variable was mistakenly changed. Also, if you can automate the rips, do so. Ideally all you want to have to do is insert a disc and then retrieve it after the rip is finished. The machine should do all the work in between.
I copied all my cd's to a Mac mini and they sound better than they did through my CX7eMP. My DAC is the latest QB-9. All copied in AIFF plus a hundred or so hi-rez downloads.
I have done the same. I paid my daughter a little extra summer spending money and had her rip our 400 CD's onto my Mac Pro, and spend the time making sure the itunes interface got all the album pictures right. This is then on wi fi from my office to our music room to Apple Airport Express base station, which I have connected via Toslink to my krell DAC. This hardware can be simplified further if a mac mini is used near your rig.

I select my music either with an Ipod or iPad we have around.

Because I now have our music in the computer realm discipline is used to back up my library. This is an Apple centric but it does seem to work well. This was all a very cheap solution and I am glad to get rid of the clutter of so many CD's around.

The most important things: Sound - its great. Ease of Use - Its great and is slick if you are apple centric. Another pleasant surprise is using the itunes the many 100's of itunes radio stations for exploring or background music.

The only downside I have so far is that stream is interrupted if somebody uses the microwave.