Anyone Else Like Jimmy Smith?

I own a bunch of the Hammond B3 wiz's albums...have not come across any re-masters but what I have for the most part sounds decent. I would love to get a hold of some of his work hi-rez or the like. He is a very moving musician with tons of soul and an awesome sound. His sound is going to give your system a work out! I recommend ..'Jimmy Smith and Wes Mongommery'.. 'Home Cookin' and 'Even Dot Com Blues' (his latest). Anyone else have experience ..opinions recommendations?
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I like "the Sermon" and "Prayer Meetin'". Both have been remastered by Rudy Van Gelden I believe (although not completely sure about the Paryer Meetin'.
Check out "Back at the Chicken Shack" recorded in 1960 with Kenny Burrell, Donald Bailey, & Stanley Turrentine. Outstanding. Also, Blue Note released a newly re-mastered (by RVG himself) version of "Groovin' At Small's Paradise" that sounds exceptional.

If you like the B3 sound, check out some of Brother Jack McDuff and Charles "The Burner" Earland. Both legends.