VD Revelation vs Stereovox and soundstage

I’m looking for new cable for my system Avalon Eidolon, ARC Ref3, CAT JL2, Meridian 508.24, NBS Master III through out.

My choices are Virtual Dynamics Revelation and Stereovox. I was able to listen to Stereovox in my system and I enjoyed this cable. It improved image and its music reproduction was more natural compared to NBS Master III. It also gave more weight to each note.

I won’t be able to audition Revelation cable. I know that it improves imaging and dynamics. But what about soundstage? I had an experience of putting NBS Statement Extreme in my system. Imaging and dynamics improved dramatically but soundstage became smaller and existed only between speakers.

Can you please comment on Virtual Dynamics Revelation in regard to soundstaging and if you can, compare it to Stereovox.
I just had a friend over who said that the soundstage couldn't get any bigger or better.The sound off of cathederals is stunning in how open and natural the venue can be.Height and width are way beyond any walls in front of or on the sides of the listening room.If you really want the best cable then you may want to consider the new Revelation Signature,I have it from a very trusted source that the new Rev Sig handily beat the Sunny cables as well as the Peter Gabriel silver cable in a shoot out.The spectators all confirmed that it was a sweep for the VD Rev Sig cable and that it was the most natural in the presentation.If you want to buy one of your last cables then you should think of this as your next cable.Take care Dennis
Thanks Cenline,

I posted a thread about the Sunny cables on 3-23-06 that basically got "laughed at"....so be it.

A friend with Revelation cabling throughout mentioned the Signature Series being magnitudes better (imagine that !)

He is moving to the Revelation Signatures and I'm making the same move on my digital cable from the Master Series.
I cannot compare it to Stereovox, but I just bought a used pair of VD Revelation interconnects and they are head and shoulders better than any other cable I have ever heard (which includes about a half dozen that sell for +- $1,000 per meter).
Rx8man,you should seriously consider the Rev Sig since it has more resolution than the Rev.I Laughed also when I heard my rig attain sound that was so correct and musical.If you can afford the cake for the Signitures, then the this may be the last cable you buy {hard to imagine a better cable}.A fair warning is that this cable is a juggernot in build and weight.Take care Dennis