Gary Moore

Gary has always been one of my favorite guitar players, even before he focused his recording efforts almost exclusively on blues. I only acquired an even bigger admiration for him as a blues guitarist. I think he's one of the most underrated and under appreciated guitarist by the American music critics and audience as evidenced by the fact that he was criminally omitted from the RS list of 100 greatest guitarist of all time (even though admittedly being on it is perhaps as irrelevant).

I was incredibly sad when I heard in 2011 that he died of a heart attack at 58. I recently learned he did a tribute to Jimmi Hendrix in 2007 and the performance was also released on vinyl. I checked most of the songs on youtube, and I'm blown away by Gary's playing Jimmi's songs. What a tremendous loss to us all.
There's a You Tube video of Uli giving what he calls a "guitar lesson" to the Scorpions song 'Sails of Charon'. Check it out. I wasn't a big fan of his after he left the Scorpions. He did a lot of orchestral guitar stuff. His playing drops jaws regardless. After he left Scorpions he formed his own band called Electric Sun. He didn't get any traction with this band in the US but did okay in Europe and Japan. I have a couple of his albums on vinyl that I bought in Munich back in 1982 when I was vacationing there with my parents. I was just a kid but crankin' tunes was what I was into so after a full month in Europe the only thing I brought home with me was two Electric Sun albums and Rush Through Time. My friends and I knew about Electric Sun but couldn't get it here. They flipped when I came home with those albums so of course I made tapes for everyone. I hated making tapes for people because you had to sit there to pause the deck to flip the record. I mostly use CDs now and I'm trying to get myself motivated to rip my CDs so I can use a dedicated laptop as my source. I love vinyl but I'm totally done with it.
Some of my favorite Gary Moore is on the second Skid Row lp "34 Hours" released in 1971.
I would also recommend checking out the short-lived but incredible BBM (Baker Bruce Moore). Yes, Baker and Bruce from Cream! I think they only released one album, but it's great stuff.