Longer Power Cords Sound better?

In my quest for power cords, i have noticed that a longer cord say 6 or 8 feet tends to have a nicer sound in my system that the same models that are 3 or 4 feet.
Power cords i have found this to be true include Cerious Tech, Cardas, and VH Audio....anyone have an explanation?

AND by nicer sound I mean they tend to have a richer midrange, and a more coherent top to bottom presentation.
Ie, lighten up, Gunbei's just pulling your chain. FWIW, due to placement of outlets I have 2 and 2.5 meter power cords for the amps on my right channel, and 1 meter power cords for the amps on my left channel (all Kubala Sosna Emotion), and haven't noticed any difference between the two channels sonically. Might be different with other brands or setups.
I got it. Run dedicated AC lines and solder them directly the the power supplies inside your gear. :-)
I held an 8' and 5' power cord up to my ear and I thought they both sounded the same. I guess I'm not an audiophile.
Sugarbrie, although not practical, I have wondered how this would sound. Is that an example of AudioGONE dementia? Would you offer your beautiful Sugarbrie BC21 up for experimentation? Heheh.
Gunbei are you off your pills again? :)
I am waiting for a bucket truck to come so I can get busy soldering my new power cords directly to the pole, they are not Cryo treated but do cold Ohio winters count?